Brand creation strategy – Mindset of Long-Term

Business Success

Do you have an idea or a dream and want to start a business? Have you been in the business for a while and think you need to refocus the niche, the purpose, and nature of your business? If you answered yes to one of these questions, then this article is for you.

Creating a Brand is more than just building a website and a logo. To better understand the brand creation strategy, let’s start by defining the word “Brand”.

Brand Definition

“A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers” (American Marketing Association).

In other words, a brand can be defined as a line of tangible and intangible characteristics put together to identify or create awareness and build the reputation or feeling about a product, service, person, place, or organization.

Brand Creation

Let’s me ask you: How do you want people to remember your product or service? How do you perceive your company? How do you want your customers to relay to your organization? Is there something about your company or your product that will get first to your customer or prospect’s mind to make them think of your company, your product, or your service. What is it about your business that will or is giving you a competitive edge on the Market?

If you are struggling to answer these questions or are not sure about your answers, please find a marketing consultant who can help you think things through. The level of investment you put in your brand creation will provide a long-lasting outcome in the marketplace because you will spend less time fighting substitutes. Once you believe you have achieved the brand creation, make sure you protect your brand through copyright and trademarks. Brands are company’s most important and valuable assets.

A successful brand creation means the brans has an identity, personality, name, culture, vision, emotion, and intelligence. Even though, consultants can help with brand creation, the business owner or founder remain the great advocate of the brand. He or she needs to keep the brand alive by revisiting and continuously seeking ways to keep the brand relevant to the audience.

From the conception of your business idea to the realization of your business, there is a process and strategy that you as business founder you need to ensure you conceive and nourish to produce a long-term business success. Why is it that some business succeeds and some fail? How do you know if your idea will generate a long-lasting business?

It is crucial to put in place a brand creation strategy to make sure you transform your intangible idea or dream into tangible business to achieve your goal(s) or fulfill your purposes.

Brand Creation Strategy

Creating a brand is the cornerstone recipe for business success. The stronger your brand, the greater your success, and the higher your profit.

If you want to create a wining Brand creating strategy, I will recommend you bring in a business consultant or someone who understand better the concept of branding.

There are 4 streams to consider if you want to create a strong brand creation:

  • Brand Architecture
  • Brand Positioning Statement
  • Brand Personality
  • Brand Promise
  1. Brand Architecture

The brand architecture refers to the structure of brands within a business. These can include your corporate, product and other brands that have a direct involvement in the functioning of a business.

We have 3 types of brand architecture:

  1. Corporate brand is where the company is the brand. Companies choose corporate branding when their market the company’s name or logo. This brings a company to a place where their need to make stronger decisions in regard to pricing, vision, mission, values, and targeted market interest.
  1. Product/Service brand is where the company that owns and runs everything fades into the background. Product or service brand is also known as merchandise branding. Product brand encompasses marketing one product. A successful product brand requires market research and smart target marketing. Service branding requires more creativity since people cannot see, touch, or feel your service before purchasing.
  2. Endorsed brand is when you have a master brand and several sub brands
  1. Brand Positioning Statement

Add a short sentence or paragraph that describes your brand’s position in marketplace. It has a particular structure that helps provide focus for accurately describing the brand.

Brand positioning statements are important because they help us define our brand in terms of product category, target audience, benefits offered and evidence.

  1. Brand Personality

Brand personality recognizes the fact we create emotional connections with brands, and it’s a mental exercise in personifying your brand.

Thinking of a brand as a person helps to define its essence and using words that we want to describe a person can be incredibly helpful when it comes to deciding on a communication style. This helps create a singular voice that is consistent across web copy, advertising, social media, and other messaging.

The personality we select must be justified according to the brand positioning, but it also needs to be an accurate representation of the organization.

  1. Brand Promise

The first rule of promises is that they can never be broken without compromising trust. When we talk about the brand promise we are talking about a promise that is literally framed as though you are speaking to a customer. It’s important when developing your brand promise to be clear, honest, and realistic.

Brand promises are important because they are a way of starting to describe our brand language that is directed straight at the consumer. Good promises are easy to remember and are simple for people to refer to.

A successful brand creation is supported by business and marketing tools. When a business owner or partners settle on the brand and decide to make it a public image, it is very important to ensure the brand identity and how it will be viewed by the public. Therefore, the goal of making the brand memorable, outstanding, and appealing to customers and prospects, should be supported by the business and marketing tools. For example, the company logo can include a tagline or product that will transport your message across your interested target markets and help your business win the competitive edge and differentiate your organization from your competitors.

Steps of Brand Creation

  • Pick your focus and personality.
  • Choose your business name.
  • Write your slogan.
  • Choose the look of your brand (colors and font).
  • Design your logo.
  • Design and Develop your website and online presence
  • Apply your branding across your business.


The business owner or founder is the main advocate of the business branding. The consultant may help, but the brand creation needs the visionary involvement as brand is understood as the perceived image or feeling connecting the customers to the product, service, or corporation.

If you believe you have created a successful brand, make sure you protect it through copyright and trademarks. Your business mindset and brand creation will determine how long will your business last on the market. Long-term business success entails business sustainability and profitability.

The company usually consults a marketing or design firm, team, consultant to ensure the business idea is converted into visual aspects of a brand creation. Marketing tools such as website and logo can successfully portrays the message and feeling the company wants to get across its audience. A successful business creation strategy will lead to a powerful brand’s awareness and profitable business.

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